Monday, September 29, 2008

Home stretch!

Only 9 more sketches to put us over 300! that's a hell of an effort.

One day more!

Get writing!

Friday, September 26, 2008

End of month celebration!

Hooray! October approaches, and if you want to share your accomplishments and/or pain with your fellow writers, come to the Triple Crown (7th Avenue around 28th Street) on Thursday, October 2nd. About 7 PM. I'll be there and I hope you will be too!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Start small!

I just wrote five titles. Whoo!

How's everyone doing?

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


I'm stuck in a parody rut.

Where do you get your ideas from?


Monday, September 15, 2008

Keeping it short.

Are you an over-writer? Yes, yes I am.

This isn't precisely sketch-related but it was sent by a friend and I found it fun:

One Sentence Stories.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

A very sketchy observation.

I've never been a master of the silly.

But if a sketch makes you giggle when you write it, I bet it was totally worth writing.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Go Team!

I'm off in the wilds of California this week, but I look forward to catching up when I return.

Everyone's doing an amazing job of keeping up the sketchy pace. The sketch blogs are lots of fun to read and I thank everyone who's put their stuff out there.

And I encourage you who haven't signed up yet to do so. The month is still young and you can write like crazy!

Not too late. Hop aboard!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

If you build it we will link.

Great idea from Anne! She started her own sketch blog (linked in the sidebar) and is publishing all her sketches there.

If you post your own sketches to your own dedicated blog or web site, send us the link or post it in the comments. We will link it in the sidebar.


Awful! Hee hee.

Yesterday I wrote a terribly offensive sketch. It was great fun!

Try writing things that are so antithetical to your own point of view, so over the top, that it makes you giggle uncomfortably. And then turn it up to 11 and write some more.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Quantity, not Quality

You are free to set whatever standard you want for yourself, but in my mind the hardest part of writing is getting from blank page to first draft.  It's easy to improve something once you have something to improve.  Therefore, don't worry about writing 30 great sketches this month.  Don't even worry about writing 30 funny sketches.  Don't even feel like you should write 30 coherent sketches.  Just write 30 sketches.

This project is about getting you in the habit of writing, which means getting used to the idea that writing is an activity that you can do on a regular basis.  It doesn't matter if you have ideas or not.  If you perform improv you've probably realized that ideas can come to you easily, but only if you put yourself in a situation where you allow them to.

OK, stop procrastinating and write something.

Monday, September 1, 2008

If you want to post sketches

Email me with your email address and I can give you access.
