Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Hey campers,

As September approaches, I was trying to come up with ways to be inspired, day in and day out. Yes, I think even the most fertile of imaginations needs ways to spark some creative work.

One thing I like to do sometimes is write a character sketch based entirely on a random name. I'm a big fan of cool names and they always inspire me. Petunia conjures up something completely different than Mary, Angelike, or Red. Make them super quirky. Make them wear a hat. Is Petunia an alcoholic, is she elderly, is she curmudgeounly? What is her favorite color?

Flip through a baby naming book or website, pick out 2 intriguing names, and discover if they're friends. Maybe Bonnie and Elbert are meant to be together; maybe Becca and Alfonso are robbing a bank.

Do you have any neat writing exercises you like to get going? Post them in the Comments section.


Jeff S. said...

I was thinking of giving myself random suggestions as well. I think I depend too much on a funny idea occurring to me... I should just try writing more as mental improv and see what comes of it.

Anne Stesney said...

I just read this entry AFTER I posted a sketch I wrote about weird names. I swear, I swear!

GREAT blog, idea and all-around exercise, Michelle. I'm so happy to be a part of it!