Saturday, August 29, 2009

Forget Final Draft, Celtx is Free

Don't waste your time figuring out how to get a copy of Final Draft, the $250 screenplay editing application. If you're writing comedy sketches you (a.) probably don't have $250 laying around and (b.) don't really need features like "Scene Navigator" and "Page Count Management."

Celtx is an alternative script editor that runs on Windows, Macintosh, and Linux, and it is absolutely free. If you fancy yourself a hacker you can even download the source code and modify it. Celtx is basically to Final Draft what Firefox is to Internet Explorer.

Celtx also allows you to export a script to a nicely formatted HTML file, in case you want to post it online for others to read.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My sketch title uploads to the site. But if I put the html link in the link slot the site says, "Cannot update sketch count."