Thursday, September 10, 2009

What kind of sketch?

Do you have a particular kind of sketch you enjoy writing?

I'm hooked on commercial parodies. Easy but effective. Some folks like office scenes gone horribly wrong. Others like fantastical characters - two zombies walk into a bar. Relationship humor is a good go-to. Also, any sketch involving Abraham Lincoln.

While I pack and drink my fourth cup of coffee, use one of the above ideas to shake up your sketch writing. Feel free to add yours here or to the Facebook board.


ari s. said...

When I first started writing sketches, I leaned towards character sketches. Then for awhile it was "two awkward people have an awkward conversation with lots of awkward pauses" sketches. Now I'm trying to come up with actual premises.

I've never really wanted to write fantastical stuff, like talking toasters or aliens. I am more comfortable with humans doing human things. Maybe next year I will tackle talking toasters.

kevhines said...

I wrote a sketch about a talking toaster this year.

Anne Stesney said...

If I'm having trouble thinking of something, I just look around the room and focus on an object. If I think a bit, I can come up with something surrounding that one thing.

Of course usually I just borrow from my life, so there's a lot of office stuff and some mom stuff this year.